Rocky Outdoor Gear Store

Located in the rolling hills of Athens County, The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store is your source for outdoor and work footwear and apparel. Find some of the best deals in the country on an ever-changing selection of boots from Georgia, Durango, Columbia and of course, Rocky, the nation's most reliable outdoor boot! We also carry a full selection of sports apparel and footwear from Columbia and Teva as well as a wide array of rustic cabin decor. While you're in, have lunch at the Boot Grill and sink your teeth into our famous Bison Burger.
After you stock up, field test your new gear at one of the many parks in the area. Hocking Hills State Park is a short drive and offers miles of hiking trails through gorges, waterfalls and towering cliffs. You can also rent a bike and take a leisurely stroll down the Hockhocking Adena Bikeway that leads all the way into Ohio University. This path literally starts out our back door!
The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store and the wonderful landscape of Athens County have excitement and adventure for the entire family, so make Nelsonville a destination for your future travel plans!