Ohio Means Jobs

Postcode: 45764
City: Nelsonville
OhioMeansJobs-Athens County is our adult education, career development services, job search assistance, job training and reentry programs information center. "As the OhioMeansJobs center for the county, we also provide office space for our community partner agencies and frequently host workshops and special events. The OhioMeansJobs-Athens County also has a public computer lab and a job bouard with area employment opportunities".
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Ohio Means Jobs

Postcode: 45764
City: Nelsonville
OhioMeansJobs-Athens County is our adult education, career development services, job search assistance, job training and reentry programs information center. "As the OhioMeansJobs center for the county, we also provide office space for our community partner agencies and frequently host workshops and special events. The OhioMeansJobs-Athens County also has a public computer lab and a job bouard with area employment opportunities".
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